Salam to all~ =)
At first aku nak tulis title entri ni mcm ni."How to mend rase fucked-up dlm hati".Tapi aku rase bunyi die tak mesra alam lgsg. rempit jek lebeh.However, pade setengah org tak de hal pun. aku jek yang fikir lebih. Tak pe la biar aku keep image pompuan melayu terakhir aku ni. haha.
Semue orang dlm dunia ni penah rase kecewa, terluka, parah, fucked-up(nk jugak aku gune perkataan ni.haha). Tak kesah la atas ape sebab sekali pun kan. Mungkin pasal cinta, cinta tak berbalas, ditipu org tercinta, tak dapat ucapkan cinta.ah, bosan plak bile sebut kecewa jek sume pasal cinta. ade jek sbb laen atas dunia yg fana ni. contohnye gagal ujian kedokteran lalu x dapat naek final year. oh itu aku! ='( Atau pun sebenarnye rase sedeh itu hanye lah mainan hormone. ;p
jadi bagaimana kah aku merelease kan rase lara dlm diri aku ni. Aku perempuan, emosi aku lebih sket. yes! boleh gune alasan pompuan utk emo. kihkih. ;p Ok, let's see how~
1. Gi carik feveret food. kalo aku msti nk ice blended. lagi2 starbucks. pergh! heaven gler~ tp, jgn la ober, susah kot nak buang balik kalorie tu.Tapi, sekali sekale xde effect ye tak.
2. Dengar lagu yg best2. yg boleh naekkan semangat kite.depends la. ade setengah org release tension dgr headbanging punye lagu. x rse lg bengang ke? entah la. laen org laen style die ye tak. juz my advice, jgn dgr lagu melayu. lg down ade la. x pun kite gi carik lagu yg lirik die same sebijik ngan situation kte time tu. lagi la rase fucked-up n down giler.
3. Keluar ngan kawan2. kwn yg kite rase plg best ngan die. ala, kite mesti ade kwn yg time ade masalah jek carik die, time hepi2 x ingt pun. hehe. atau pun real bestfren kte. bestfren kan. msti la ade susah atau senang.
4.Penah x rse setiap kali ade masalah jek msti nk carik kwn yg opposite gender? ala, sume org mesti penah rse punye. fitrah manusia. tp, jgn la g luah masalah ngan mamat yg kite aim nk buat bf. nnt die reject sbb die ingt kte problematic plak. Tp, yg bernaseb baek, mgkin potential bf tu rse kesian lalu layan jek n pastu thing lead to another kan.. Untung la.. ;)
5. Tgk cter klaka. kalo tgk variety show korea best kot. gelak guling2. kalo yg sopan tu mungkin x guling2 sgt.haha.
6. Gurau2 ngan mak. borak2 ngan die. gosip2. pastu mak korg msti perasan there's something wrong wif u, so, diorg pun cter psl bende2 yg boleh buat korg hepi. last2 korg end up tido ngan die. ni applicable utk pompuan jek okeyh.haha. abah tido sengsorg eyh mlm ni.keke.
7.Last2 skali, lepas buat sume tu still rse cam heavy jek kan dlm hati tu, ambik wudhuk n solat sunat pastu bace quran. kalo yg blum solat lagi tu. solat la wajib dulu. ape jadah solat sunat tp x solat wajib. Doa and mengadu kat Dia. bagi taw kat Dia sume bende yg korg rase dlm hati tu. aku rase ni yg paling mujarab sekali. =')
Selamat mencube~! =) aku malas nk tulis konklusi. buat sendiri boleh? ;p Bye~!
aku cube susun atur bahase melayu ini supaye nampak elegan(elegan??) bile, still xnmpk..ntah dimane silapnye..keke..mgkin sbb aku campurkan ia dgn bhs inggeris..dan bhs korea.. =P
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Sunday, 19 June 2011
setakat secalit mekap..
Salam.... =)
Bila banyak sangat bace blog,dan kebanyakkan blog tersebut rate2 penulis nye ada lah lelaki, aku perasan mesti ade entri yg kutuk2 bile pompuan pakai mekap. Agaknye, yg diorg tgk tu, put on too much make-up, and girls to pulak put it haphazardly so, diorg rse menyampah giler so diorg buat entri tu. btul x?. Alahai perempuan, kalo x mampu nk beli Dior or MAC high definition foundation tu pegi la blajo how to put your low cost make-up tu correctly. There are many ways to make it looks luxurious.haha. without investing ratus2 ringgit. =)
x salah kot kalo nk put optimum amount of mekap. optimum ye...aku ulang optimum. mase keluar, mase gi kelas x pun gi kerja. Kan nampak semenggah sikit. dan kite orang pompuan nih bukan setakat nak ngorat org lelaki jek. oh pelis la. perasan diorg nih. kite nk ngorat mak2 diorg dulu.haha. pastu suh mak die rekomen kite kt anak die. lg best kalo anak die anak yg to'at. mak suruh kawen die ikut jek.x pyh nk pikir2 lagi. cinta?? boleh pupuk nanti2.haha.
Korg bgtaw la kan, how we want to convince people when we ourselves not at our best condition. muke pucat macam hantu kubur. Tak pun, bibir warne biru kalah org anemic. mungkin boleh jugak, tapi kene usahe lebey la dan lmbt dapat..keke. zaman skrg ni, sume nk express. aku boleh gerenti u guys will choose bullet train over super lambat KTM train. btul x ;)
x salah rasenye nk cover chicken pox punye scars or resdung punye scar yg teruk giler, jike itu yg buat kite lg confident menempuh alam kehidupan yang kene bersaing sane sini ni.bkn first impression tu penting ke? jadi kite kene make sure that first impression makes them wanna know more about us. Then later will come another impression by impression regarding our inner beauty pulak.
and kalau lah ade kaum adam yg bace, juz wanna say, yang korang nampak kiut miut, kulit halus mulus, putih gebu comel ape la tanpe sebarang make-up tu,mungkin korg rse kalo kawen ngan die nih untung xyah belikan make-up, tp jangan terkejut sampai terkencing tengok harge skin care products die.blum lagi supplement tu.haha. ;P
atau pun mmg she is so lucky born with good genes of beauty. tapi x sume perempuan camtu. Byk genetics accident zmn skrg nih. Tambah ngan pencemaran sane sini.considerate sikit la.. =)
satu lagi, cantek2 ni kdg2 ade penyakit, x caye g la tanye org cantek naturally. plg2 pun mst ade asthma. nobody's perfect. Tuhan tu Maha Adil. ;)
Bila banyak sangat bace blog,dan kebanyakkan blog tersebut rate2 penulis nye ada lah lelaki, aku perasan mesti ade entri yg kutuk2 bile pompuan pakai mekap. Agaknye, yg diorg tgk tu, put on too much make-up, and girls to pulak put it haphazardly so, diorg rse menyampah giler so diorg buat entri tu. btul x?. Alahai perempuan, kalo x mampu nk beli Dior or MAC high definition foundation tu pegi la blajo how to put your low cost make-up tu correctly. There are many ways to make it looks luxurious.haha. without investing ratus2 ringgit. =)
Yang kulit tak der byk masalah tu, kau jgn nk byk ckp eyh, kau x dilahirkan dgn kulit berminyak yg kalau letak baby punye bedak tu mase pagi2 ok la. Cube tgh hari, melekit2 weyh. atau yg pakai skin care SK‖, x cukup ngan tu gi buat laser treatment lagi. Tak pun paling2 kurang pun skin care punye product bodyshop. Korg boleh la cakap tak pakai make-up pun xpe. Or at the very least they will say, "aku pki bedak baby jek". oh pelis, how annoying.
Why did they people making such a big fuss over this small thing eyh? fun kot pakai make-up ni. boleh buat experiment meyh. korg jeles eyh xleh buat sume tu.haha. bukan permanent reconstruction pun. pakai braces tu korg x ckp pape pun. tu permanent kot gigi jd chantek tersusun jek allign. And senyuman pun makin menawan ramai org tertawan.Bullshit la kalo pki braces tu xder sket pun rase nak improve esthetic part of muke korg tu. Pakai spec frame yg macam2 tu. pakai contact lens, same jek kalo x der warne pun, contact lens jugak.alah tu sume boleh jd enhancer kot. enhancer lebey kurang make-up, bunyi jek laen, enhancer sounds cam lagi saintific.huh.
Korg bgtaw la kan, how we want to convince people when we ourselves not at our best condition. muke pucat macam hantu kubur. Tak pun, bibir warne biru kalah org anemic. mungkin boleh jugak, tapi kene usahe lebey la dan lmbt dapat..keke. zaman skrg ni, sume nk express. aku boleh gerenti u guys will choose bullet train over super lambat KTM train. btul x ;)
ni mungkin plastic.haha.sukeati aku jek. tumblr' |
and kalau lah ade kaum adam yg bace, juz wanna say, yang korang nampak kiut miut, kulit halus mulus, putih gebu comel ape la tanpe sebarang make-up tu,mungkin korg rse kalo kawen ngan die nih untung xyah belikan make-up, tp jangan terkejut sampai terkencing tengok harge skin care products die.blum lagi supplement tu.haha. ;P
gugel gak.kuikui.. |
satu lagi, cantek2 ni kdg2 ade penyakit, x caye g la tanye org cantek naturally. plg2 pun mst ade asthma. nobody's perfect. Tuhan tu Maha Adil. ;)
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Who’s care bout common?? Common is boring!
Hai babes! ;)
Penah x rase yg seseorg tu has many things in common ngan kite? Yes, I’m talking about opposite gender. Aku straight weyh n x menggalakkan lgsg hubungan sesame nih. So, kalo yg same ngan kau tu same gender, tu ko boleh declare BFF. HAHA.Ok, aku dh merepek. Kau rse yg die same sgt ngan kau smpi kau rse nk kapel ngan die. Or even worst nk kawen ngan die. Atau dlm hati kau. “Ok, inilah jodoh aku”. X boleh blah la kau. Perasan. haha ;p
Btul, kte memang tercari2 our significant others tu. Or some people call it soulmate. Who has many things in common ngan kte. Minat same beli DSLR byk2 cam kite atau suke kpop group yg same ngan kte .Eww.HAHA!. We keep searching that someone yg has everything in common ngan kte. Bile xder, kte pun give up. Pegi browse up blogs or tumblr utk psycho diri sendiri, may be nanti ade jugak org yg same ngan kter.
Bukan ke cinta itu kimia. Ianye bkn matematik yg kite sibuk nk carik jawapan untuk satu persamaan. And in chemistry, it is familiar with bonding. Ok, aku dh msk mood jiwang. HAHA! Aku cume nk bgtaw, kdg2 phrase “we have a lot in common so, I think u’r the best for me” nih xder makne pape lgsg. Who’s care about common? Common is boring.Seriusly.I’m afraid we keep looking for that someone in common we lost the opportunity to know the right person for us. Rugi weyh. Tapi tapi tapi, kalo dah pasangan korg tu mmg serba serbi same ngan korg n korg rse selesa jgn la plak break up g carik yg opposite ngn korg. pendapat je babe.
Aku rase..aku… aku ni ha, kalo xsame lagi fun . aku suke dangdut,die suke indie. Aku suke corak harimau bintang, die suke corak dotdot. But, by the end of the day we end up doing the same thing. X ke suwit tu!! Hikhik (ni gelak gedik name die). Sorg pendiam, sorg lagi kuat bercakap, xder la berebut sape nk dgr sape nk ckp. Btul x?
Lagipun kalo due2 kecoh x ke havoc rumahtangge korg nnt? ;p
Sunday, 12 June 2011
kipas2 pengantin sambil naek bot~best~!
Salam =)
Last wiken, best gler. pak ngah aku kawenkan anak die.Sampai2 kat umah pak ngah, mak aku sambut aku ngan adik aku. Eh, apsal mak aku yg sambut tetamu? bkn aku kawen pun. Ok. mak aku nak enterprame. haha. Mcm aku x knal mak aku. kekeke. Dah isi perut smpi nk terbloated tu. ingat nak jd mem jek duduk sambil pegang kipas cine tu.kuikui..tak2 aku kan rajen. xbese ah dok saje kat kenduri org.ahah. aku pun tnye abah aku, ade pape nk buat x? abah aku kate, xyah buat pape, carik kipas dok jek kat situ. ahah! mungkin bapak aku tgk baju aku comel sgt tak sampai hati nak suh buat keje. keke.
Aku yg rajen ni pun g dapur. weyh org rajen mencari keje weyh bkn keje yg g carik diorg. btul x? smpi2 aku kat dapur, diorg sume suh aku jd pengapit. what?? xnak la aku..ecece, eh, mmg xnak ah, bkn ape, kat kenduri tu ramai yg bersuare lantang lg provokasi bab2 adat n peraturan pengantin nih, kalo aku jd pengapit, automatically aku yg kne bgtaw pengantin what to do n what is not, so agak risky jgk kalo aku terime jek offer jd pengapit tu..hehe. n one more thing kne tukar baju ok. baju kaler laen nagn tudung aku pun suh adik aku. sbb adik aku free hair. senang sket. adik aku pulak xnak, sbb baju tu x bergosok. ye la, ktorg nih appearance no.1.keke. nak xnak, diorg kne terime decision aku xnk tukar baju. Ekceli aku ni pengapit terjun. pengapit btul 'artis' a.k.a cousin aku took so long to even be there. jln jem katenye. *shit gler.haha.
so aku yg blur lg clueless ni pun ,meneruskan tugas sbg bridesmaid terhormat ahaha. buat jek ape yg patot, pengantin pun mcm nk nanges.alala..sian, aku pun try to calm her down. best kan aku? ahaha. the best part is, pengantin pompuan kene sambut pengantin laki kat jeti. pengantin laki naek bot.wewitt~ sbb, pak ngah aku ni nelayan, so die nak buat la ala2 gimmick gitu. kat umah org laen xder woi sume ni. kalo sambut jek tak pe ok. but, pengantin laki nk bwk bini die round2 lak. OMG! aku kne naek skali ke? of course mak cik tu kate. what?? dgn takut2 aku beranikan jgk diri naek bot tu. naseb aku pki wedges jek. kalo pki heels td, xke naya? dan kaen aku terbelah, so sng nk melangkah. (aku taw sexy sket~hoho)
tp, best weyh. serius best, rase cam laen dari yang laen. dari bot tu, pengantin pun melambai2 mesra kat tetamu2 yg hadir. ewah mcm prince william n kate middleton plak.hehe. naseb aku x ikut melambai2. kuikui. =p.
Kepade pengantin, sian korg dpt pengapit blur cam aku mencacatkan gambar dengan baju pink semambang aku.konsep warne diorg hijo weyh. tak ke aku kontra gler tu.? =)
Last wiken, best gler. pak ngah aku kawenkan anak die.Sampai2 kat umah pak ngah, mak aku sambut aku ngan adik aku. Eh, apsal mak aku yg sambut tetamu? bkn aku kawen pun. Ok. mak aku nak enterprame. haha. Mcm aku x knal mak aku. kekeke. Dah isi perut smpi nk terbloated tu. ingat nak jd mem jek duduk sambil pegang kipas cine tu.kuikui..tak2 aku kan rajen. xbese ah dok saje kat kenduri org.ahah. aku pun tnye abah aku, ade pape nk buat x? abah aku kate, xyah buat pape, carik kipas dok jek kat situ. ahah! mungkin bapak aku tgk baju aku comel sgt tak sampai hati nak suh buat keje. keke.
Aku yg rajen ni pun g dapur. weyh org rajen mencari keje weyh bkn keje yg g carik diorg. btul x? smpi2 aku kat dapur, diorg sume suh aku jd pengapit. what?? xnak la aku..ecece, eh, mmg xnak ah, bkn ape, kat kenduri tu ramai yg bersuare lantang lg provokasi bab2 adat n peraturan pengantin nih, kalo aku jd pengapit, automatically aku yg kne bgtaw pengantin what to do n what is not, so agak risky jgk kalo aku terime jek offer jd pengapit tu..hehe. n one more thing kne tukar baju ok. baju kaler laen nagn tudung aku pun suh adik aku. sbb adik aku free hair. senang sket. adik aku pulak xnak, sbb baju tu x bergosok. ye la, ktorg nih appearance no.1.keke. nak xnak, diorg kne terime decision aku xnk tukar baju. Ekceli aku ni pengapit terjun. pengapit btul 'artis' a.k.a cousin aku took so long to even be there. jln jem katenye. *shit gler.haha.
so aku yg blur lg clueless ni pun ,meneruskan tugas sbg bridesmaid terhormat ahaha. buat jek ape yg patot, pengantin pun mcm nk nanges.alala..sian, aku pun try to calm her down. best kan aku? ahaha. the best part is, pengantin pompuan kene sambut pengantin laki kat jeti. pengantin laki naek bot.wewitt~ sbb, pak ngah aku ni nelayan, so die nak buat la ala2 gimmick gitu. kat umah org laen xder woi sume ni. kalo sambut jek tak pe ok. but, pengantin laki nk bwk bini die round2 lak. OMG! aku kne naek skali ke? of course mak cik tu kate. what?? dgn takut2 aku beranikan jgk diri naek bot tu. naseb aku pki wedges jek. kalo pki heels td, xke naya? dan kaen aku terbelah, so sng nk melangkah. (aku taw sexy sket~hoho)
tp, best weyh. serius best, rase cam laen dari yang laen. dari bot tu, pengantin pun melambai2 mesra kat tetamu2 yg hadir. ewah mcm prince william n kate middleton plak.hehe. naseb aku x ikut melambai2. kuikui. =p.
Kepade pengantin, sian korg dpt pengapit blur cam aku mencacatkan gambar dengan baju pink semambang aku.konsep warne diorg hijo weyh. tak ke aku kontra gler tu.? =)
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
My BFF--> a boy? ♥
penah x rase i wish i had a boy bestfren. =)
aku penah ade dulu. baek sangat. sume bende nak citer kat die.
n die respon baek punye.ahah! (tgh rindu die =p )
mstilah laen respons seorg lelaki compare to a girl.
mayb fitrah manusia. seorg perempuan memerlukan seorg lelaki. =)
tp, skrg, dh x baek mcm dulu.
die dah ade awek. mase utk aku pun dh kurang. =)
aku doakn die hepi (aku kan baek weyh..ehem.)
for him → All of our meaningless conversation i store in my mind as treasured memories. ♥
aku penah ade dulu. baek sangat. sume bende nak citer kat die.
n die respon baek punye.ahah! (tgh rindu die =p )
mstilah laen respons seorg lelaki compare to a girl.
mayb fitrah manusia. seorg perempuan memerlukan seorg lelaki. =)
tp, skrg, dh x baek mcm dulu.
die dah ade awek. mase utk aku pun dh kurang. =)
aku doakn die hepi (aku kan baek weyh..ehem.)
for him → All of our meaningless conversation i store in my mind as treasured memories. ♥
Aku tak dilahirkan kurus keding. So what?
korang ade x member yg skinny gler2 pastu dgn poyo gler telling people around she or he never ever go on diet? Korg boleh ignore je org camni. Xyah rse down. Ahah!.
Sbb die xkan penah taw or rase badan ade terlebih sane sini.
Or korg penah tak in situation where korg amek nasi ciput jek sbb nak diet, bkn sbb xde duit k..ahah! pastu ade membe korg kt sebelah ckp "sketnye nasik, diet ke..? " ko jwp jek kat diorg "ha', xjadi la beli nasi..kongsi dgn ko boleh..? " haha. msti die terkelu punye pastu dh tak tanye lagi. eheh!
Ekceli kan kalo korg bebetul nk diet kan, go on je diet. x yah la nak terpengaruh ngan org yang saiko diri sendiri->baek enjoy2 makan buat pe nak diet2. booo~!!
Tp, korg buat la bebetul, g gugel sket psl diet2 ni. How the right way to do diet. Jgn maen telan entah hape2 pil or shake2 yg pelik2~eww! Jgn sampai thp aneroxic. Jgn ober k. Islam kan suruh kite bersederhana dalam sume perkare.ecewah~hik! Jgn sampai pose 2 3 hari x mkn. Rugi woo x mkn~ juz xyah la melantak cam hape. Atau lembik jek memanjang sampai x produktif lgsg. Ni baru x betul nye weyh. N jgn la pemalas nak mampos g exercise pastu nak compensate mls exercise tu xnk makan. g la exercise. kat taman depan umah ko tu pun ok what. xyah nk poyo sign up fitness first nk lari atas treadmill smbil tgk traffic jam kat KL.ahah. tp, kalo mampu, pe de hal ye tak? keke~
korang ade x member yg skinny gler2 pastu dgn poyo gler telling people around she or he never ever go on diet? Korg boleh ignore je org camni. Xyah rse down. Ahah!.
Sbb die xkan penah taw or rase badan ade terlebih sane sini.
Or korg penah tak in situation where korg amek nasi ciput jek sbb nak diet, bkn sbb xde duit k..ahah! pastu ade membe korg kt sebelah ckp "sketnye nasik, diet ke..? " ko jwp jek kat diorg "ha', xjadi la beli nasi..kongsi dgn ko boleh..? " haha. msti die terkelu punye pastu dh tak tanye lagi. eheh!
Tp, korg buat la bebetul, g gugel sket psl diet2 ni. How the right way to do diet. Jgn maen telan entah hape2 pil or shake2 yg pelik2~eww! Jgn sampai thp aneroxic. Jgn ober k. Islam kan suruh kite bersederhana dalam sume perkare.ecewah~hik! Jgn sampai pose 2 3 hari x mkn. Rugi woo x mkn~ juz xyah la melantak cam hape. Atau lembik jek memanjang sampai x produktif lgsg. Ni baru x betul nye weyh. N jgn la pemalas nak mampos g exercise pastu nak compensate mls exercise tu xnk makan. g la exercise. kat taman depan umah ko tu pun ok what. xyah nk poyo sign up fitness first nk lari atas treadmill smbil tgk traffic jam kat KL.ahah. tp, kalo mampu, pe de hal ye tak? keke~
Do you? ;) |
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
aku : mak lapar
mak_aku : makan la nasi..
aku : nak mkn sushi...
mak_aku : gedik btul~
=) ahahaha~ mak aku klaka...
mak_aku : makan la nasi..
aku : nak mkn sushi...
mak_aku : gedik btul~
=) ahahaha~ mak aku klaka...
D.E.A.C.T.I.V.A.T.E.D Facebook ಠ_ಠ
Aku rase itu yg terbaek.. =)
fb buat aku rse berat sgt nk hands off lappy,
sbb after post jek terus ade kipas susah mati aku like atau komen balik...(syg korg..mmuah ahaks!)
n better aku tulis blog if aku rse byk giler nk tulis or nk bgtaw org...
xder la org yg benci aku..(tp, add..pelik!) bace sume bende pasal aku...ahaha(aku taw aku ade toleransi..ahaks!),
aku hanyut....lupe nk makan kdg2..ntah ape yg aku buat xtaw..
lgpun cuti dh nk abes, baek aku spend quality time ngan emak..(aku baek aku taw..hikhik!)
pasti aku dh xtaw pasal die lps ni...ahaha -->super crush aku
sbb kwn2 aku kwn2 die..keciknye dunie ktorg aku taw..
kalo die tukar status pun pasti slh sorg dari diorg akn bgtaw..(aku ade hati lg eh nk amek taw..kuikui~)
yg paling penting, ni salah satu usaha utk MOVE ON.. =(
cube la..ini pasti yg terbaek...doa dan mase..aku taw aku boleh.. =)
ni bkn lagu utk org frust ke..kekeke.. =P
p/s = bace blog buat aku rase mcm bce diary yg tulis "MY SECRET DIARY" kt front page, tp letak kt sebelah bantal sng2 jek org boleh bace..ahaha.
Once a fangirl always a fangirl ♥ =)
Salam.. ♥
dulu aku sangat giler ngan kpop...time nih x ramai lg yg suke kpop...n bile aku suh dgr...ramai yg kate
dulu aku sangat giler ngan kpop...time nih x ramai lg yg suke kpop...n bile aku suh dgr...ramai yg kate
"eww....peliknye bhase diorg...dah la xphm.."
ade jugak yg ikut dgr n setiap hari la ktorg spazzing psl kpop, aku agak sensitip sket kalo org kutuk kpop nih..coz,it has sentimental value in my teenage life ahaks~ eleh korg, xtaw pape tp, pandai kutuk je...
"ala..diorg ni tayang muke comel jek lebih...bajet comel"
"apasal lelaki korea ni mcm pondan eyh.."
Seriously, these people know nothing about kpop..ahah..mcm aku tahu sume jek..keke.. =P
Sape yg ikut DBSK since diorg debut lagi msti taw how good their vocals are..n they also dancing while singing in live concert which for 3 hours straight..n we surely admire GD for his talent right..? ade bdk2 melayu baru berlatih nyanyi 3 bln dh buat band tiru kpop..eww~..and real kpopperz must be familiar with this words..fanservice,fanmeeting,debut,maknae n macam2 lagi la..(spe xtaw boleh rujuk cter you're beautiful.. =) )
mase aku tengah giler tu..aku rase aku x pernah missed walau satu pun variety show korea..every show aku download..time tu kene download kat clubbox..susah woo~ kene sign up korea punye website gune tutorial...n lame gler nak tunggu download...zmn dulu mane ade server2 yg laju giler mcm skrg..n zmn dulu mane boleh download ikut quality..low, medium la...smpi ke hd..sape komputer slow..xyah berangan la nk download hd version...takut xleh bukak...pastu salahkan video tu rosak ..haha..pastu download ikut veoh..skrg dah xleh..veoh block mesia..siot tol..ahaha..sgt teruk aku rase sampai super crush aku muke cam ade iras2 choi si won super junior..(eh,iye ke..? ahah)...sekarang dgr lagu ade quality jek...ahaha...lgpun dh xlarat nk catch up dgn kumpulan baru yg baru debut..entah sape2 ntah...keke..
ni video aku buat mase gler dulu...the first n only video kot..ahah! serious hensem si jong hun ni..n power gler maen gitar mcm dlm cter august rush tu...
Pretty girls ♥
Salam... ♥
Ni ha ade lagu best...ehehe...kan aku kate aku malas nk carik vids die kan tapi siyesly...after listen to this song over and over again...well, i fell in love with this the lyrics actually...but, x boleh la nak apply kat Mesia. Well, our gadis2 are not touch and go punye style ye tak...n one night stand is very not applicable here. =)
By the way here's the lyrics.
[Travie McCoy]
So many different flavors
So many shapes and sizes
You coming with me and you going where I am
No surprises, I put it all on the table for you
Nothing is too taboo, I'm ready, willing to give you everything
There's a lot of pretty girls in this city
There's a lot of pretty girls in this town
I'm trying to pick the right one
I'm trying to pick the right one
Trying to find a shorty to hold me down
[Verse 1]
They say to get to New York girl
Then you gotta have a lot of class
And I heard there ain't nothing like the Cali girls
But you better have a lot of cash
And I know there ain't nothing like the A-Town girl
Cuz they know how to show you love
And no matter where I go
I gotta let them know
That this song here is about you
See I don't mean to run away
To places you would not believe
It's dealing on these pretty gals
I’m wishing you were there with me
It’s simple when you smile girl
Tell me all I need to know
You can be my one and only
There's a lot of pretty girls in this city
There's a lot of pretty girls in this town
I'm trying to pick the right one
I'm trying to pick the right one
I'm trying to pick the right one
I'm trying to pick the right one
Trying to find a shorty to hold me down
There's a lot of pretty girls in this city
There's a lot of pretty girls in this town
I'm trying to pick the right one
I'm trying to pick the right one
Trying to find a shorty to hold me down
Tell me is it you, girl?
Is it you, girl?
[Verse 2]
They say, To get a MIA girl,
Then you gotta have a lot of swag
I heard, To get a Down South Bell,
Then you gotta ride a Cadillac
I know, Ain’t like a London girl,
Cuz they know how to party off
And no matter where I go, I gotta let you know
That this song here is about you
I don’t mean to run away
Places you would not believe
It's dealing on these pretty gals
I’m wishing you were there with me
It’s simple when you smile girl
Tell me all I need to know
You can be my one and only
[Travie McCoy]
I’m so indecisive
Trying to find a pretty girl that these shoes goes nice with
Been around the world and back, got a I4 and girls in black
But I need a chick that's gonna hold me tight like vice grip
Just make sure you need my heart how you found it
You can keep the key but the lock is around me
Baby, let’s take it slow, no pulling a fast one
And you look like the type to keep my mind off the last one
P/s=try to compare a Bangsar girl with a Pasir Mas girl…kekeke…one thing that might be the same…both are beautiful. Other perspective? U tell me..hehe well, people opinion might be biased. =)
Monday, 6 June 2011
my life playlist -->for this month jek la... =P
selamat pagi...salam.. =)
aku nak post la lagu yg AKU rase best, korg jgn terkejut kalo ade lagu hindustan dlm playlist aku nih...sbb kadang2 aku rase lagu tu best.kehkeh. Tak sume org boleh layan lagu radiohead ke, incubus ke,paramore ke...n ntah ape2 lagi la yg seirama dengannye taw. hehe, peace~!
1.Lady Jane ft. Verbal Jint (die ni best la rap..)
2.charice- louder (this is not her main single lg best dr main single..ehehe..)
aku nak post la lagu yg AKU rase best, korg jgn terkejut kalo ade lagu hindustan dlm playlist aku nih...sbb kadang2 aku rase lagu tu best.kehkeh. Tak sume org boleh layan lagu radiohead ke, incubus ke,paramore ke...n ntah ape2 lagi la yg seirama dengannye taw. hehe, peace~!
1.Lady Jane ft. Verbal Jint (die ni best la rap..)
2.charice- louder (this is not her main single lg best dr main single..ehehe..)
3. Kesha ft. b.o.b- Blow (dgr lagu nih rse cam masuk zouk..padehal xpenah pegi pun..)
4.FT Island - Hello hello (anyeong anyeong~ft island comeback hoyeah~!!)
5.5dolls - like this or that..memule dgr cam pelik, tp dgr byk kali, it grows on me n it kinda catchy.
Antare lagu laen yg cambest tapi aku malas nk cari vids -
-Pretty Girls (Feat. Travie McCoy)-Iyaz
p/s-aku weyh yg rase best, adik aku pun kate lagu2 nih xbest...eleh, ingt suke paramore cool huh..??
org lidi menari =(
hai~(buat muke Tiffany unnie..hehehe...)
aku memang suke SNSD...from their debut year lg 2007..yes, i've downloaded all their videos at soshified...mase blum ade soshified lg aku suke tgk diorg nih..i love Tiffany~~ahaha... i know most girl x suke die sbb gedikz katenye..eleh, ntah2 korg lg gedikz...keke...anyway..but recently aku tgk diorg nih makin lame makin kurus...siannye...sedeh.. =(...this is their performance from hey3x by the way...most of japanese talkshow programmes are boring..seriously...hehe...but not this show...this show kind of funny and interesting.. =) check out the girls performance babez~~
aku memang suke SNSD...from their debut year lg 2007..yes, i've downloaded all their videos at soshified...mase blum ade soshified lg aku suke tgk diorg nih..i love Tiffany~~ahaha... i know most girl x suke die sbb gedikz katenye..eleh, ntah2 korg lg gedikz...keke...anyway..but recently aku tgk diorg nih makin lame makin kurus...siannye...sedeh.. =(...this is their performance from hey3x by the way...most of japanese talkshow programmes are boring..seriously...hehe...but not this show...this show kind of funny and interesting.. =) check out the girls performance babez~~
review filem=Karak
hai korang~~ <3
gile la aku...tulis review nih pukul 3.52 a.m
malas nk tido...bkn ape nnt terbabas subuh...xke naya tu...xbes ah mulekan hari tanpe subuh...btul x..? (ni tanye diri sendiri sbnrnye... =P)
citer ni ok weyh...siyes....korg bayangkan aku tgk cter ni mase tu adek aku hilang hp...badmood jek la ktorg nih bkn dr family hari ni hilang iphone 4 esok bli iphone, tgk la jgk cter ni..abes tiket dh bli...ok la cter nih...walaupun dialog dlm cter nih same jek mcm dialog citer-hantu-melayu laen...tapi aku rse cter ni ok..pantas jek bergerak...and hantu pun byk jek la kdg2 kter g tgk cter hantu...hantu nye kwajak muncul sekejap2 jek...xsampai 5 saat dah blah...tu hantu pemalas namenye...byknye tunjuk aksi lucah jek...ntah pape...tapi x cter la kdg2 tu aku tgk Kilafairy tu bkn maen seksi lagi dlm cter nih tp ok la,xder la sampai rse annoyed...aku xtaw la kalo korg punye annoyed threshold level tu rendah...mungkin korg akan rse annoyed kat die dr awal, die berlakon ok la beb, ok la utk pelakon baru... Shahir Af8 tu pun ok gak la...ade kwn aku xnak tgk sbb ade balak Rozita Che Wan tu...tu jeles nmenye..ahaha...korg penah rase x bdk2 af nih ade satu style berlakon yg same...aku xphm gak kdg2 tp, aku perasan bende ni mase tgk drama2 lakonan bdk2 ni kat astro..abes kalo dh tgk ribu2 kali ni mane x perasannye....hehe..tapi x syahir...ok jek die...aku rse die berguru ngan awek die kot...ahaha...ade lesson yg kite boleh ambil dari citer nih. Korg pegilah tengok. mungkin korg insaf pastu..mane lah taw..ehem.. =) korang kene taw kete Volkswagen kuning tu mmg wujud weyh..kwn bapak aku keje bwk teksi penah nmpk weyh..(*aku xtaw la bpk aku tipu ke...kekeke..)
Fakta kelakar pasal karak ; hafal no. ic gf - ader ker org camtu..?? atm hafal la kot..kekeke.. tu no. ic lelaki eh - kat mesia nih kalo last number tu odd number..tu jantan la beb.
3.kalo korg terkandas kat karak, korg nk lalu ke jln dalam tu...msti korg redah je jgk traffic jam tu kan..
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