Wednesday, 8 June 2011

My BFF--> a boy? ♥

penah x rase i wish i had a boy bestfren. =)

aku penah ade dulu. baek sangat. sume bende nak citer kat die.

n die respon baek punye.ahah! (tgh rindu die =p )

mstilah laen respons seorg lelaki compare to a girl.

mayb fitrah manusia. seorg perempuan memerlukan seorg lelaki. =)

tp, skrg, dh x baek mcm dulu.

die dah ade awek. mase utk aku pun dh kurang. =)

aku doakn die hepi (aku kan baek weyh..ehem.)

for him All of our meaningless conversation i store in my mind as treasured memories. 


  1. same wif me.. ada bff laki jugak dulu.. tp skrang x dah kot.. just kawan biasa2 ja..
    smuanya dh brubah...huhu...:)

  2. kdg2 kite rse pelik, ini lah lumrah..manusia dtg dan pergi...we juz have to deal with it..ehehe....

  3. haha...surely pelik.. kena terima takdir yg ditentukan...hhe..
