Sunday, 19 June 2011

setakat secalit mekap..

Salam.... =)
Bila banyak sangat bace blog,dan kebanyakkan blog tersebut rate2 penulis nye ada lah lelaki, aku perasan mesti ade entri yg kutuk2 bile pompuan pakai mekap. Agaknye, yg diorg tgk tu, put on too much make-up, and girls to pulak put it haphazardly so, diorg rse menyampah giler so diorg buat entri tu. btul x?. Alahai perempuan, kalo x mampu nk beli Dior or MAC high definition foundation tu pegi la  blajo how to put your low cost make-up tu correctly. There are many ways to make it looks luxurious.haha. without investing ratus2 ringgit.  =)

Yang kulit tak der byk masalah tu, kau jgn nk byk ckp eyh, kau x dilahirkan dgn kulit berminyak yg kalau letak baby punye bedak tu mase pagi2 ok la. Cube tgh hari, melekit2 weyh. atau yg pakai skin care SK‖, x cukup ngan tu gi buat laser treatment lagi. Tak pun paling2 kurang pun skin care punye product bodyshop. Korg boleh la cakap tak pakai make-up pun xpe. Or at the very least they will say, "aku pki bedak baby jek". oh pelis, how annoying.

Why did they people making such a big fuss over this small thing eyh? fun kot pakai make-up ni. boleh buat experiment meyh. korg jeles eyh xleh buat sume tu.haha. bukan permanent reconstruction pun. pakai braces tu korg x ckp pape pun. tu permanent kot gigi jd chantek tersusun jek allign. And senyuman pun makin menawan ramai org tertawan.Bullshit la kalo pki braces tu xder sket pun rase nak improve esthetic part of muke korg tu. Pakai spec frame yg macam2 tu. pakai contact lens, same jek kalo x der warne pun, contact lens jugak.alah tu sume boleh jd enhancer kot. enhancer lebey kurang make-up, bunyi jek laen, enhancer sounds cam lagi saintific.huh.
x salah kot kalo nk put optimum amount of mekap. optimum ye...aku ulang optimum. mase keluar, mase gi kelas x pun gi kerja. Kan nampak semenggah sikit. dan kite orang pompuan nih bukan setakat nak ngorat org lelaki jek. oh pelis la. perasan diorg nih. kite nk ngorat mak2 diorg dulu.haha. pastu suh mak die rekomen kite kt anak die. lg best kalo anak die anak yg to'at. mak suruh kawen die ikut jek.x pyh nk pikir2 lagi. cinta?? boleh pupuk nanti2.haha.

Korg bgtaw la kan, how we want to convince people when we ourselves not at our best condition. muke pucat macam hantu kubur. Tak pun, bibir warne biru kalah org anemic. mungkin boleh jugak, tapi kene usahe lebey la dan lmbt dapat..keke. zaman skrg ni, sume nk express. aku boleh gerenti u guys will choose bullet train over super lambat KTM train. btul x ;)
ni mungkin plastic.haha.sukeati aku jek. tumblr'
x salah rasenye nk cover chicken pox punye scars or resdung punye scar yg teruk giler, jike itu yg buat kite lg confident menempuh alam kehidupan yang kene bersaing sane sini ni.bkn first impression tu penting ke? jadi kite kene make sure that first impression makes them wanna know more about us. Then later will come another impression by impression regarding our inner beauty pulak. 

and kalau lah ade kaum adam yg bace, juz wanna say, yang korang nampak kiut miut, kulit halus mulus, putih gebu comel ape la tanpe sebarang make-up tu,mungkin korg rse kalo kawen ngan die nih untung xyah belikan make-up, tp jangan terkejut sampai terkencing tengok harge skin care products die.blum lagi supplement tu.haha. ;P

gugel gak.kuikui..
atau pun mmg she is so lucky born with good genes of beauty. tapi x sume perempuan camtu. Byk genetics accident zmn skrg nih. Tambah ngan pencemaran sane sini.considerate sikit la.. =)

satu lagi, cantek2 ni kdg2 ade penyakit, x caye g la tanye org cantek naturally. plg2 pun mst ade asthma. nobody's perfect. Tuhan tu Maha Adil. ;)


  1. <---x suka jugak orang yang over make-up..lagi2 bila x reti nak makeup baik takyah!

  2. jgn pkai OVER make up jelah.. n dun be too dependant on make up.. confident ngn diri sendiri,.. sbb skrg make up2 nie (lg2 yg murah) byk chemical yg harmful.. -future dermatologist- XD btw, nice point view.. =)

  3. kdg2 pakai makeup terlebih ponnn tak lawa jugak. macam opera cina je. haha!

  4. pakai mekap ikt tmpat dan masa la..klo takat lepak2 je xkan nk pakai cam g dinner,mmg kene kutuk la..hahaha

    klo biase2 light2 je.ttp apa yg patut udah..jnji naikkan kompiden diri...terpulag pd konfident diri lah

    *tak pon pakai "bby powder je",x bermaksud muka cntek mulus, (jeragat,pimple menguasai muka)
    kerja2 yg berpanas peluh segala x perlukan sy pakai foundation segala,lg rimas,compact powdr 3 thn lepas punya pon xhabis lg...but everything goes with purpose.

    i hope this is not annoyed you..but its true.
